Why Choose Us?
When your child joins, their key person will take time to get to know them and you. Once your child’s key person has an understanding of your child’s interests they will use these to plan exciting activities for them to support their development across all areas of learning.
Your key person will let you know what they are working on with your child and give you ideas to support learning at home too.
Learning comes from a combination of the opportunities provided and the skilled interactions from key people. The environment is set out to include the following areas:
- Quiet/cosy spaces
- Book corner
- Construction area
- Role play
- Creative area
- Outdoor experiences
Within these areas staff will introduce new vocabulary to promote communication skills, maths and scientific concepts to promote critical thinking and mark making opportunities to help develop writing and literacy.
All of the experiences your child has with us will promote self esteem and confidence.
Our Covid Policy
Covid 19 guidance changed as of 24th February 2022. However the virus is still prevalent and can still seriously affect vulnerable individuals.
The virus can be spread easily amongst children. We will continue to follow the Government advice and require anyone with COVID symptoms to get a PCR test. Symptoms are high temperature 38+, cough, loss of smell and/or taste.
Where children display these symptoms we will ask you collect them and recommend an LFT test. If the result is positive you will be asked to stay off nursery for 3 consecutive days minimum. If your child is well enough to return to nursery on day 4 they must have been free of a high temperature for 24 hours.
Please note that children may be sent home with other sickness/illness that is not covid. The management team will determine whether a child is well enough to be at nursery.
The nursery will continue to implement increased hygiene measures including frequent hand washing, teaching children effective hand washing, frequent touch point cleaning and regular disinfecting of toys and surfaces.