Entries by Kinder Preschools

Do you Qualify for Government Funded Childcare?

Are you eligible for free childcare? We can help you check… At Kinder Preschools, we often have parents asking us for help navigating the (sometimes) confusing world of accessing government-funded childcare. Is your child eligible from 2 years of age? Can your child access more than the 15 hours of universal childcare for 3 and […]

Why is Woodworking Important for Education?

With the advent of mobile phones and tablets, it’s important to remember off-screen time is just as important as tech learning for your child. In response to the increase in interest in woodworking, parents and teachers are dusting off the workbench and digging out those forgotten DIY tools.  The benefits of woodworking for a child’s […]

Getting the Most Out of Outdoor Play

Being outdoors can be extremely beneficial to your child’s growth and curiosity. Let’s learn more about how exploring the great outdoors can help them develop by trying these tips. Did you know that trees, plants, and bushes provide so many different types of sensory and imaginative play for children? These outdoor materials become the props […]

5 Messy Play Ideas to Stimulate Hands-on Learning

Just because it’s messy doesn’t mean it’s not fun and easy to clean up – not to mention the hours of smile and fun that await your toddler! The idea of messy play supports the exploration of the world’s textures and sensations to simulate happy and curious minds and involve more of the senses during […]

Are you Eligible for FREE Childcare?

We can help you check… At Kinder Preschools, we often have parents asking us for help navigating the (sometimes) confusing world of accessing government-funded childcare. Is your child eligible from 2 years of age? Can your child access more than the 15 hours of universal childcare for 3 and 4-year-olds? My child has just turned […]

Bubble Painting

In this blog, we’re going to learn how to make beautiful bubble art. Remember sitting at a restaurant waiting for your food to arrive whilst blowing bubbles into your drink with a straw? Keeping that in mind, let’s now turn this scientific exploration into a fascinating art project for you and your child. With just […]

The Importance of Sensory Play

Children are natural adventurers, always looking for something to discover, investigate, and experiment with things in their surroundings. Whether it be insects, rocks, sticks, or flowers, the desire for discovery is present in every child’s imagination.  In this blog, we will discuss why it is so important to keep sensory play as an important aspect […]


Plant, Water, Grow!

Learning the concept of gardening for toddlers can help build a variety of valuable motor skills that you, as a parent, might not even have considered. Gardening can help teach your children to feel different textures of soil, seeds, flower and petals. More importantly, for improving their future academic skills in writing, cutting and typing. […]

Guide: Travelling with Toddlers

Have you ever taken a young child on a long-haul flight? If not, you might want to consider a couple of things beforehand. Maybe even just travelling a couple of time zones seems daunting… don’t worry we’re here to walk you through all of it. What is circadian rhythm? The circadian rhythm also referred to […]

Summer Sand Art

Planning on going to the beach this Summer? Maybe you’ve got a park nearby or some sand in your back garden? We’ve got the perfect outdoor craft activity you can literally do anywhere, plus it keeps your children entertained for hours on end. Sand art is a fun and easy activity to put together and […]